News: Torn by indecision? Can now do both!

20 May 2011

Manchester's Whit Walk clashes with the victory parade for Manchester United FC which is leaving from Deansgate at 10am.

It has been decided to put back the Whit Walk by one hour. This means the Procession will leave from the side of Manchester Cathedral at 11.00am for a service in Albert Square at 11.45am.  Please let others know of this late change.

Mothers' Union members, with branch and deanery banners or on their own, are encouraged to join the Mothers' Union contingent, walking behind the Cathedral community near the front of the procession.  If adding ribbons to the banner, this year's colour is white.

Please note that because Corporation Street is closed whilst the pedestrian bridge between M&S and the Arndale is being replaced there is a small change to the route and the Procession will leave from Fennel street via Victoria Street. This means that Mothers' Union banners will be at the Victoria Street end of Fennel Street and NOT Corporation Street end.

The change also means that those who want to go and watch MUFC can do so!