News: A busy few days

08 October 2011

Lynne, who is responsible for the fourteen dioceses of the northern province, was in Manchester for three days.

During that time she met older members, trustees, and those responsible for project work. She led members in prayer for the work of Mothers' Union locally and around the world, and addressed members at the annual Festival.

Lynne also visited:
Status 4 All, a community project in Langley, using the virtual babies loaned by Mothers' Union, 
the Mustard Tree, working with the marginalised in society,
St Peter's Chaplaincy, where members serve free soup to students each Wednesday, and
the labour unit at North Manchester General Hospital - one of several hospitals in the diocese where Mothers' Union is able to provide tiny clothes, angel pockets, emergency admission bags, memory boxes or whatever is needed in that place.